working for Bolivia's neediest

A Bolivian Baroque Christmas: Early Music from the New World

Friends of Bolivia are proud to present:

A Bolivian Baroque Christmas: Early Music from the New World

at the Church of the Immaculate Conception,
Farm Street entrance – London, W1K 3AH
(Fri 17 December 2021 at 7.30PM)


In Latin America, movement and dance is at the centre of the celebration of Christmas. It is midsummer there, and everyone is in the streets, singing, dancing, playing instruments for the entire twelve days of Christmas. The different ethnicities intermingle, and the music combines indigenous native traditions with the influences of those who came from elsewhere, Africa and Europe. We present polyphonic and solo works for one to four voices, accompanied by theorbo and guitar. Most are in Spanish, but some are in traditional local languages such as Quechua and Guarani.

The Baroque period (1600-1750) was a time of remarkable musical creativity in Latin America. In the time of the Spanish Empire, music production reached a new height, with many highly trained musicians migrating from Europe to South America. The riches from the silver mines of Potosi funded an explosion of art and culture of all kinds, much concentrated in the courts and cathedrals, but also spilling out and mingling with indigenous and folk cultures. The colonisers and missionaries (including Jesuits) found a highly musical and receptive indigenous population, so much so that music became a primary tool of Christian evangelization, with much music in the missions written for, and also by, indigenous people to perform. This process was not only one-way: non-European influences found their way into the music that was written, and some of those influences went back to Europe.

Concert held at the Church of the Immaculate Conception on Farm Street by kind permission of Fr Dominic Robinson SJ, Parish Priest.

EL PARNASO HYSPANO (Early Music Ensemble)

Kate Smith (soprano),
Verónica Chacón (alto),
Rafael Montero (tenor and founder),
John Sloboda (bass),
Toby Carr (theorbo/guitar),
Robert Gutierrez (percussion and wind).

EL PARNASO HYSPANO is an international chamber group of singers and instrumentalists dedicated to the performance of early Hispanic music, ranging from the medieval to the baroque and early classical.


Garden Party Salteñada Fundraiser

Come and join us for a Family BBQ on Sunday 12th September 2021 – 1.30pm to 5.30pm

St. Mark’s Church Hall, Compton Road, Wimbledon, London SW19 7ND

There will be traditional Bolivian music, games, licensed bar and delicious BBQ food… Rain or shine, we will be there having a good time!

Please book your tickets early as there are only limited places.

Tickets for BBQ (steak, chicken, sausage & choice of salad) (Children’s meal: hamburger, chicken, sausage & choice of salad)

Adults: £16  ¦  Members/Pensioners: £15  ¦  Children under 12: £6  ¦  Vegetarian option: £15


Garden Party Salteñada Fundraiser

Garden Party Salteñada Fundraiser 

Saturday 24th July 2021 from 1.00pm to 5.30pm

Help us raise funds to support our various projects in Bolivia

There will be music, games, dance and of course delicious salteñas available for takeaway or to eat in the garden

St. Mark’s Church Hall, Compton Road, Wimbledon, London SW19 7ND    

Entry: £1  ~  Children under 12: Free

Salteñas £3 to order online – SOLD OUT




BIRDS of BOLIVIA (an illustrated talk) + THE CALL OF THE WATER

An illustrated talk by Stephen Lowe

For a land-locked country, Bolivia is remarkably rich in bird species. Stephen Lowe’s talk “Birdy Bolivia” will outline Bolivia’s biological importance in the context of the Continent as a whole; and seek to explain why the birds endemic to Bolivia are found there and nowhere else, in the context of the country’s geography and its geological past. He will also touch on some wider topics, including the concept of a species, the state of ornithology and nature conservation in the country; and how to go about watching birds in Bolivia.

The talk will be followed by the acclaimed documentary:

UMATURKA, The Call of The Water
By Giovanna Miralles & Dr. Peter Wilkin

In the Bolivian Andes members of the Aymara community of Quillacas perform an annual ritual to summon rain clouds at the end of the dry season that reflects the ecological co-dependency of the Andes and the Amazonian region. The protagonists in Umaturka relate a sometimes fraught and contentious narrative. The result is an unsentimental portrait of the reality of an ancient tradition in a modern world. 

Book your tickets now

Book now


El Parnaso Hyspano – Bolivian Passiontide Early Music Concert

It is with great regret that, due to the rapidly evolving COVID-19 pandemic, and following Government’s updated advice on 16 March, we have taken the decision to postpone the Bolivian Passiontide Early Music Concert until further notice.

Friends of Bolivia thank you for your understanding. 

Friends of Bolivia are proud to present

Yyai Jesuchristo – Bolivian Passiontide Early Music Concert

Vocal Quartet El Parnaso Hyspano offers a passiontide performance of beautiful Bolivian vocal liturgical music from the Baroque. This includes music published in the anthology “Musica de Moxos” edited and prepared for modern performance by Piotr Nawrot, mainly from the 16th -18th Century. The vocal pieces include solos, duets, trios, and quartets. These works have never been performed in the UK before.

El Parnaso Hyspano also sing the musical piece in Quechua Hanac Pachap Cusicuinin and Baroque works written and performed in Bolivia in the colonial times for the Passiontide; also pieces of Spanish renaissance composers and Mexican and Peruvian baroque, and there will also be interludes for solo organ.

El Parnaso Hyspano are:

Kate Smith – Soprano
Verónica Chacón – Mezzo Soprano
Rafael Montero – Tenor
John Sloboda – Bass

Katarzyna Kowalik – Harpsichord & Organ
Robert Gutierrez – Quena (Andean flute)

Book your tickets now:

Book now

Friends of Bolivia’s Carnival Party 2020

Friends of Bolivia’s Carnival Party 2020

Join us for an evening of traditional Bolivian music and dance,
delicious Bolivian food and drinks to celebrate carnival 2018 Bolivian style!

Saturday 15th February – from 18:00 to 23:00
Sacred Heart Church Hall, Edge Hill, Wimbledon, London SW19 4LU

Members: £8
Concessions: £8*
Children under 12: Free
* Concessions: OAPs & Students 12 to 18




Peña Fundraiser for the Bolivian Amazon

Peña Folklórica Boliviana  –  Live Bolivian Folkloric Party

in support of the

Bolivian Amazon Rain Forest Appeal



Dear friends and supporters, 

It is with the greatest regret that we would like to inform you that we have had to make the difficult decision to cancel the Bolivian Folk Party Fundraiser on the 30th November.

Due to current events happening in Bolivia our community is going through a very difficult time and the spirit of celebration is diminished; as a result we haven’t had as many confirmed bookings to make this event possible.  We hope you can appreciate that Friends of Bolivia, as a charity, has to manage its funds responsibly and without confirmed bookings a party of this size is likely to make huge losses.

Therefore, the Friends of Bolivia committee would like to offer you our sincerest apologies for this cancellation and regret any inconvenience this may have caused you.

We are working on rescheduling this event and we will be notifying you of the new date in due course in the new year.

If you have purchased tickets for this event, please rest assured that we will refund your money without delay. Should you have questions, please get in touch with us at info [at]   

Friends of Bolivia Committee

Salteñada Fundraiser for the Bolivian Amazon

Salteñada Fiesta Fundraiser in aid of

Bolivia’s Amazon Rain Forest

Sunday 15th September 2019 from 1.00pm to 6.00pm

Help us raise funds to support the communities affected by the fires in the Chiquitania region of Bolivia’s Amazon rain forest. Come and join Friends of Bolivia to charity fundraiser for a day of fun with delicious salteñas, traditional Bolivian music, dance and family games.

St. Mark’s Church Hall, Compton Road, Wimbledon, London SW19 7ND    

Entry: £1  ~  Children under 12: Free

As well as feasting on our delicious salteñas on the day, you can order some to take away.

£3.50 on the day
(online sales have now been stopped)



Friends of Bolivia’s Carnival Fiesta 2019

Friends of Bolivia’s Carnival Fiesta 2018

Join us for an evening of traditional Bolivian music and dance,
delicious Bolivian food and drinks to celebrate carnival 2018 Bolivian style!

Saturday 23rd February – from 18:00 to 23:00
Sacred Heart Church Hall, Edge Hill, Wimbledon, London SW19 4LU

£10 on the door
Members: £8
Concessions: £7 *
Children under 12: Free
* Concessions: OAPs & Students 12 to 18






Bolivian Day of Friendship and Love – Salteñada

“Dia del Amor y la Amistad” salteñada party on

Sunday 23rd September 2018 from 1.00pm to 5.30pm

Come and join Friends of Bolivia to celebrate the Bolivian DAY OF FRIENDSHIP AND LOVE with delicious salteñas, traditional Bolivian music, dance and family games.

St. Mark’s Church Hall, Compton Road, Wimbledon, London SW19 7ND    

Entry: £1  ~  Children under 12: Free

As well as feasting on our delicious salteñas on the day, you can order some to take away.


ONLINE SALES CLOSED Please get your salteñas on the day.


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