Comedor Infantil Santa Ana de Cala Cala
The Comedor Infantil Santa Ana de Cala Cala provides one balanced meal a day for 270 poor children in Cochabamba. In addition, they provide assistance with schoolwork and broader support for the family.
Friends of Bolivia has been supporting the project for several years, and contributes to its running costs. Where possible we try to provide enough funds to cover the cost of one meal per week for the children.
Additional Project – Movimiento Sonrisa
Movimiento Sonrisa helps the families of children being treated in the Videma Hospital in the city of Cochabamba. Parents who have brought their children to the hospital for treatment from rural areas are often forced to sleep on the streets because they lack the funds to pay for accommodation. Movimiento Sonrisa provides accommodation for parents in this difficult situation.
In 2006-2007 Movimiento Sonrisa had been promised funding from a Swedish NGO. Friends of Bolivia assisted with the running costs of the program while they were awaiting the promised funds.
Additional Project – Centro de Rehabilitacion
The Centro de Rehabilitacion Integral Nutricional (CRIN) of the Hospital Materno Infantil provides medical treatment for malnourished children from rural areas.
In May 1998 an earthquake with a force of 6.6 on the Richter scale struck the southern region of Cochabamba. The earthquake caused many deaths and thousands of people were left homeless.
The community of Montecillos in Cochabamba benefitted from a donation to purchase materials for the building of 15 new homes.
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