Peña Folklórica Boliviana - Live Bolivian Folkloric Party
in support of the
Bolivian Amazon Rain Forest Appeal
Dear friends and supporters,
It is with the greatest regret that we would like to inform you that we have had to make the difficult decision to cancel the Bolivian Folk Party Fundraiser on the 30th November.
Due to current events happening in Bolivia our community is going through a very difficult time and the spirit of celebration is diminished; as a result we haven't had as many confirmed bookings to make this event possible. We hope you can appreciate that Friends of Bolivia, as a charity, has to manage its funds responsibly and without confirmed bookings a party of this size is likely to make huge losses.
Therefore, the Friends of Bolivia committee would like to offer you our sincerest apologies for this cancellation and regret any inconvenience this may have caused you.
We are working on rescheduling this event and we will be notifying you of the new date in due course in the new year.
If you have purchased tickets for this event, please rest assured that we will refund your money without delay. Should you have questions, please get in touch with us at info [at] friendsofbolivia.org.uk.